Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Prayer

Well, my relationship with God or Higher Power or Great And Powerful Wizard has been sorely strained as of late.  The clowns are, as Felix In Hollywood researched, clamouring and collecting up the street for the new 'Let's Make A Deal".  The issue is how am I to lure potential trysts to my hut?  Am I supposed to say, "Just look for the clowns glopping down the street.  There's plenty of 'em!  Can't miss 'em!

Not sexy.

Moving on.

A friend lives by the Chinese Theater
This is not the view from his place.  The view he does have is this:
What you can see if you squint or have the type of sophisticated software that I sadly lack is
the name this building has been given.

In lilac neon this apartment building is called:

The Dorothy
yes, you read it correctly:
The Dorothy
A charming Hollywood Regency style dwelling in a kind of seedy neighborhood.  Adding to the
well, seediness of it all was what I saw in the window as I walked up the street...

Don't try to look in the window featured because by the time I took this pic, had finished the task at hand.  Oooo...laaa.  Very glamourous

1 comment:

Philip Mershon said...

Yes, welcome to Hollywood where things happen fast, and the 'wonderful people out there in the dark' are clowns.